Please be aware that this database contains the names of people who are now deceased, and the inclusion of terms and descriptions from historical records that reflect the language and social attitudes of the time. The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) does not endorse this language and apologises for any distress caused.

In viewing the material please consider the following significant factors contributing to the incarceration of Aboriginal people at the time:

  • The arrival of Europeans to Western Australia greatly disrupted a way of life that had been maintained by the Traditional Owners for tens and thousands of years.

  • Dispossession of land, access to traditional foods and diminishing food sources resulted in the necessity to commit offences including those relating to stealing of food.

  • Adherence to traditional laws and customs in some instances meant having to go against Western Law, with many offences committed following customary laws and practices such as payback or spearing.

  • Limited understanding of the English language led to people being punished for crimes that they did not understand.

  • Legal representation and language translators were seldom arranged.

  • The existence of racial prejudice and discrimination in the criminal justice system would have been a barrier to receiving a fair trial.

  • The introduction of discriminatory legislation, most notably The Aborigines Act of 1905, gave the State unprecedented control over nearly every aspect of life for Aboriginal people in Western Australia. The Act created the position of Chief Protector of Aborigines who became the legal guardian of every Aboriginal child to the age of 16, allowing for the removal of children onto missions or reserves or into employment. He could grant or deny permission for marriages and managed the property and bank accounts of Aboriginal people without their consent. Freedom of movement was restricted, with Aboriginal people prohibited to enter towns and certain places. Breaches to the Act carried severe penalties, including imprisonment, and Police had extensive powers of surveillance.

Further information may be available on request to the direct descendants of individuals who were sent to Wadjemup. A request can be made by completing a Family History Form available from Aboriginal History Research Services.
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